It's been a while since I last posted, so here's what I've been up to:
1. Studying
2. Busy time at work
3. A 20-month old who needs constant supervision (don't want him playing with my brass locos,now,do I?)
4. Writing an article for AJRM (slow, but progressing)
5. Dreaming, particularly being inspired by my old mate Ian Millard and his Liverpool Range layout.
6. Working on some artwork for brass etching
What's left over is for modelling.
However, the article I mentioned is about modelling brickwork, an area which is often overlooked here. I have been trying different methods of representing brick walls, with varying success. I will post some photos when I get them off the camera.
Until then, may all your days be spent in the train room.
This blog documents the progress of a finescale model railway layout based on the locality of Kingsvale, NSW, on the Blayney-Cowra-Demondrille line, circa 1953. Kingsvale is a fruit growing area and is the first station from Demondrille when heading north towards Cowra. It is the only crossing loop between Demondrille and Young. Demondrille is on the main south and was the location of extensive railway infrastructure including a coal bunker to service locomotives on the main line.
Kingsvale, NSW 1963

A view of Kingsvale station, looking north towards Cowra c1963. Courtesy Ken Ames, "From Grease to Gold Braid".