It turns out I posted many of those photos of Kings' Vale already, so I must remember not to post so late at night. Or perhaps it's a sign of early dementia.
Here is a bit more detail on how I went about modelling the platform for Kingsvale.

The ground also seems to fall away under the station building, and I presume that the building piers are slightly visible from the road side. You can see the gap on the right edge of the photo.
The brick face is Keiran Ryan's etched brass English Bond, while the strip along the top is from one of the European manufacturers of styrene brick sheet (Kibri, Noch, etc).
There is a visible edge where the balsa joins the ply, so this was blended out with some polyfilla and sanded smooth.

I've been finding a bit of time and getting into it lately, so I should have more posts to come in the next week or two.