Hi all
Since leaving my job late last year and starting out on several new careers, which together comprise a patchwork part-time week, I have been able to devote much more time to my hobby. It has been an exciting and motivating period!
If you have not seen my new site, check out www.mechanicalbranchmodels.com.au. I am busy adding to the range and letting my imagination go. So many ideas to explore and models to create! I hope to announce some more new products very soon.
Kingsvale? Well, that has been progressing, but more slowly. In between those stifling hot days and then weeks of rain and showers, I have been building a French workbench, using silky oak timber from a dead tree we had removed in our backyard. Now that the bench is nearly finished (and it's a monster of a thing - great for clamping and work-holding) i can use it to build the backscenes and pelmets for the Demondrille modules; a slightly revised design to the ones I did so far for Kingsvale.
More soon.
This blog documents the progress of a finescale model railway layout based on the locality of Kingsvale, NSW, on the Blayney-Cowra-Demondrille line, circa 1953. Kingsvale is a fruit growing area and is the first station from Demondrille when heading north towards Cowra. It is the only crossing loop between Demondrille and Young. Demondrille is on the main south and was the location of extensive railway infrastructure including a coal bunker to service locomotives on the main line.
Kingsvale, NSW 1963

A view of Kingsvale station, looking north towards Cowra c1963. Courtesy Ken Ames, "From Grease to Gold Braid".
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